Monday, April 21, 2014

The Rush through May

Do you ever feel like once Easter is past, every sport's team, dance group, music teacher and  school are conspiring to make grandparents' lives complicated? How can you be at a dance recital for two grandkids and still attend First Communion for their cousin two states away? The important thing is that the grandchildren know their events and performances are important to you. Start in February or March to ask parents when teams play or once in a lifetime ceremonies will occur. They are already on the calendar!

Now how to get to "everything"? Sometimes you can divide grandparents, and each attend something. Regular music or dance recitals can be attended every other year. Savvy techno-grands may find a way to be there-but-not-really-there. Make a priority of the events not likely to be repeated, but don't "miss" the rest!

Every performer loves a flower or a whole bouquet! Some studios invite people to order them for the dancers or musicians or little thespians in advance to be delivered backstage. Bulletins, programs and yearbooks generally have small ads and "well wisher" sections that leave a black and white memory of your thoughts. Volunteer to provide snacks or drinks for the soccer team at a game you can't see in person. Put flowers on the altar or make a special contribution to honor a child's rite of passage.

Communicate! E-mail and phone calls are great for real time, but small cards of congratulations will be tucked in drawers for years. Maybe you can include a picture of mom or dad about the same age...

Have a wonderful Memory-filled May!

Monday, April 14, 2014

More than bunnies....

We followed a real donkey into worship yesterday for Palm Sunday. That is what I love most about this season. There are so many ways to grab the imagination and bring to life the events of Jesus' life. Here are some I use with children.

Move and wave in the Palm Sunday entry to Jerusalem. Spread towels on the ground and relay the story of that wonderful parade. Older children like to form crosses out of the palm branches and save them.

Taste the flat bread Jesus ate - matzo or tortilla or pita. Sample it not as Holy Communion, but to recount part of the Last Supper based on the flight of Moses from Egypt. Lots of simple stories to go with the tasting. Older children will enjoy parts of Ten Commandments - the Charleton Heston one! The Angel of Death is very creepy!

Listen to birdsong outdoors or on a CD. That was one of the sounds in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus prayed there. Say a very simple prayer for the new life all around you. Older children can be fascinated by the change that comes in the garden when Judas and the soldiers arrive! Where do the brave disciples go?

Touch rocks to build a mound like the rock outside Jesus tomb. It was much bigger than we can lift. How did Jesus move it? Older children can attend Good Friday services and know that "good" is from the German "Gott" meaning God's Friday.

Look at library or bookstore books which include all the stories of Holy Week. Even small children can understand how sad the disciples felt when they thought they would not see Jesus again. Older children can view videos form animated renditions to history channel docudramas. Make the Resurrection real!

However you choose to enhance your grandchild's Easter, you introduce more than bunnies. Blessings!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sending postcards

I keep in touch on world travels with postcards to all the grandkids. Who knows what might inspire them? If I did not send you one, check the blogs at:

and this yet to be adventure:


My website at

Designed by Brian Currie

Grandparenting Joys.

Introducing the Grandblessings!

Ages range from 4-14 - a pretty busy decade!

Video games, baseball, annoying his sisters.

                                                                Horses, soccer, friends.

Dancing, trucks, dirt

                                                                                 Cheering, reading, writing.

Ballet, math, roller coasters.