We are spending quality adult time with friends in Colorado - between grandkids demolition derbies and American Girl visits. It is reminding me that the best people and the longest friendships are often those made in a church setting. As we age, parents die and children get involved in their own lives. Retirement from a job, no matter how long you were there, leaves only a few people you want to see often. The good news is that there is always a body of people on Sunday who are glad to welcome us. And when church friends move, the ties are easily maintained. After all you agree on the fundamental issues of life - the rest is quirks and details. It is good to have people who tolerate aging and flaws!
I am sorry fewer of the next generation have seen the value of life long church friends, as opposed to the soccer moms and tennis buddies. When you are a long distance grandparent it is hard in a Sunday or two a year to help the little ones establish friendships in the church, but those with family in town have a wonderful opportunity in vacation Bible school. Pay the minimal fee, offer transportation and free lunch for a week. The less structured activities make a fine place for the grandkids to do some relationship building. A bonus is for them to see us volunteering as teacher, snack helper, singing leader.
I'll be Bible storyteller Priest next week at St. Mark's and plan to take the visiting Grandboy along. Just another seed of possibility.

I am sorry fewer of the next generation have seen the value of life long church friends, as opposed to the soccer moms and tennis buddies. When you are a long distance grandparent it is hard in a Sunday or two a year to help the little ones establish friendships in the church, but those with family in town have a wonderful opportunity in vacation Bible school. Pay the minimal fee, offer transportation and free lunch for a week. The less structured activities make a fine place for the grandkids to do some relationship building. A bonus is for them to see us volunteering as teacher, snack helper, singing leader.
I'll be Bible storyteller Priest next week at St. Mark's and plan to take the visiting Grandboy along. Just another seed of possibility.