Off to Paris!
Before any of the grandblessings gets too swamped with teen stuff, Grandad and I promised a trip overseas. Grandchild #1 is 13 going on 14 now and ready for 8th grade. So it her choice for PARIS! (We have not been there either so this is a win-win!)
This is the culmination of the summer grandkid visits - the other 4 have been here for a variety of events they direct. And each one had an opportunity to help in some way. Even the "almost 5" counted loaves of bread and bags of chips and helped carry them to St. Mark's for the homeless shelter.
Now Paris! We have a day devoted to churches - but not only viewing but taking part in a service. Because of the liturgical structure we can attend worship in any part of the world and have a fair idea of what is going on. So Saturday noon mass at Notre Dame!
It is not necessary to be a world traveler to spend quality time with grandchildren and share faith with them. Hope you can work some one-on-one visit time in with each of yours soon!
Before any of the grandblessings gets too swamped with teen stuff, Grandad and I promised a trip overseas. Grandchild #1 is 13 going on 14 now and ready for 8th grade. So it her choice for PARIS! (We have not been there either so this is a win-win!)
Now Paris! We have a day devoted to churches - but not only viewing but taking part in a service. Because of the liturgical structure we can attend worship in any part of the world and have a fair idea of what is going on. So Saturday noon mass at Notre Dame!
It is not necessary to be a world traveler to spend quality time with grandchildren and share faith with them. Hope you can work some one-on-one visit time in with each of yours soon!