Thursday, January 21, 2016

Remembering Important events

Kids never fail to remember their birthdays!

But as a Christian grandparent I try to remember other dates, too, especially baptism. Each year I made a simple card with a picture of their baptism on the front and a recent picture of them inside. It takes less than 5 minutes but reminds them (and their parents) of whose child they really are - a precious child of God.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Our children and OUR children

Of course the most important grandbabes in the world to me are the 5 that carry some DNA and tons of family memories. But I see many other children, and it is good for all of us "elders" to stay in touch with the young.

Many weeks I read on Wednesday and Thursdays to preschoolers - one group at St. mark's preschool in Glen Ellyn (a very well off neighborhood) and one Headstart  group at a community center across from apartments where many new immigrants reside. Once a year I travel to a developing country to work with children learning to speak English. In both Tanzania and India these were preschoolers as well. In every group there are engaged kids and bored ones, cooperative and distracted, happy and hungry and anxious to please the adults. Four year olds are much more directed by the fact of being four than of their situation in life, their clothing and food, their home life or faith life.

All these children are "mine" in the sense that I have some small thing to share - English - that can make their lives better. It is my responsibility and joy to do that.

What are your gifts? Surely someone can do more than talk  (which turns out after 60 years to be my only talent...) How can you use that to bless more than just your DNA,

but the children everywhere who can benefit from your caring?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Links in the family chain

As grandparents we have a golden opportunity to keep diverse family members linked.

One natural way is at holidays. Our family puts the emphasis on Thanksgiving together and leave Christmas for kids to spend on their own or with other family. Cooking is shared and laughter abounds!

While siblings (or step siblings) may not be ready to spend time together, the next generation of cousins are usually willing to do anything fun with grandparents and whoever else shows up. This summer I am going to coordinate the 9 year old girl from Iowa with the 10 year old boy from Michigan.

The other link we foster is the intergenerational one. This month I am using the opportunity of a sibling's 60 birthday to include the young teen granddaughters in the event. So the spa day will include women ages 13-76!

And the benefits of aunts and uncles to children is one more link we can foster. Later this month we rented a big house and invited any family who want to visit to come and say as long as they want. the bedroom use coordination required a spread sheet, but I anticipate a lot of laughs!

All I can offer are opportunities - and food!