Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Face Time!

I am usually 2-3 steps behind the curve on technology - twitter is dizzying and Instagram a mystery. But Face Time is great! We have a long gap between visit to see grandblessings - they will all be around later in the summer - but Sunday night the Adorables in Iowa FT'd me. I can get carried all over the house, watch the Little Guy shoot baskets, catch up on the Big Girl's summer reading. Even got a glimpse of Dad on Father's Day and Mom arriving home with pizza! For long distance grandparents, it is an easy (believe me!) and wonderful tool!

Not as good a hug, but you can blow kisses!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Graduations and reunions

The Baby - as James will be through his life! - completed Kindergarten this year. That means he will be out of High School in  - oh - 2029? Goodness I hope I get to see that!

More immediate to my thoughts is my own 50 year reunion this weekend. Questions, anticipations - and worries. How different my grandchildren's experiences will be from mine! Carbon paper, mandated skirt length, reading Great Expectations, hot days unrelieved by AC, one dial telephone for the whole family.

Something will be the same even if James is transported in a time machine to his ceremony. Uncertainty about the self, opinions that differ for his folks,' questions about the future, and teachers who no matter how long they have been teaching are "really, really old"!

I hope at the core of who all the children are is a sense of being God' child first - unscarred by words of evaluations of others, but secure in the love of God for each of them, whom
ever they are becoming.